Internal Transformation

In order to flow with the rhythms of life we must call in the transformative force. In Chinese medicine the spleen teaches us that in order to thrive we must take what we are given and transform it into what we need to survive.

The spleen takes the food that it is given and transforms it. It creates our life force (Qi). We must learn how to transform our selves by studying the spleen while it masters this metamorphic process.

In Western medicine red blood cells go to the spleen to die when they have finished their 120-day cycle. Let this teach you about the power and intensity you must put in to change the deepest parts of yourself.

Dig deep into the depths of your existence. 

Find what you need to modify. 

Face your shadow and transform it into something that will forever benefit your authentic nature. 

One must go down in order to come back up. 

Dive down into your intensity, experience it and become it. 

Swim back up to the light. 

Then shed the old parts of yourself that are holding you back. 

 It’s scary to face the darker parts of your soul. It’s even more frightening to look it straight in the eyes, ingest it, and transform it through every inch of your vessel. 

Just like a snake sheds its skin, one must reach within and pull out the stubborn energies that refuse to budge. 

Force them to the outer layers of yourself. 

Prepare to let go of form while the energies devour themselves and create a new structure.

Call in the forces that are outside of your control to assist you in this imperative process. 

It is important to call in the grounded nurturing energy of the earth element to assist you. Let the earth spirit hold a comfortable space for you. Feel safe and free while you flow through this process of transmutation.

Ask for guidance from anything you believe can assist you. These energies will strip you of what needs to go and replenish you with that inner warrior sensation.

Let the changing of the seasons carry away the debris from this process. As we transition into the fall season, and with the darkness of winter approaching, we need to be ready. 

Remember that our transformative work is a necessity for what lies ahead. 


Sylvia Salcedo