Q: What is Acupuncture?
A: Acupuncture is one of the modalities of Oriental medicine. Although what is called acupuncture in the west compromises several different therapies ( such as moxibustion and cupping) mostly it consists of the insertion of ne needles into the body at specific points shown to be effective in the treatments of specific health problems. These points have been mapped by the Chinese over a period of two thousand years and there are several hundred known acupuncture points. In the past three decades, electromagnetic research has confirmed the existence and location of these points.
Q: What problems can be treated by acupuncture?
A: The World health Organization recognizes acupuncture effectiveness for over 40 common disorders, such as:
1) Ear, Nose, & Throat Disorders :Toothaches, earaches sinusitis, rhinitis , laryngitis 2) Respiratory Disorders: Colds & Flus, bronchitis, asthma, allergies, emphysema 3) Gastrointestinal Disorders: Food allergies, nausea, indigestion diarrhea, constipation, ulcers, and colitis 4) Circulatory Disorders : Hypertension ,high cholesterol, arterioscleroses, angina pain 5) Urogenital Disorders: Cystitis, stress incontinence, neurogenic, bladders, prostatitis, prostatic hypertrophy 6)Gynecological disorders: Menstrual irregularities, endometriosis, PMS, infertility, menopause syndrome 7) Muscular Skeleton Disorders: Tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, TMJ, sciatica, low back pain, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome , fibromyalgia 8)Psycho emotional & Neurological Disorders: Depression, anxiety, insomnia, headaches ,migraines trigeminal neuralgia,intercostal neuralgia, post-stroke paralysis, dizziness, tinnitus In addition acupuncture has been used for centuries throughout at Asia to treat hundreds of other problems.
Q: How does acupuncture work?
A: Modern Western medicine cannot yet explain how acupuncture works. Traditional Asian acupuncture is based on ancient Chinese theories of the ow of qi( a fine, essential substance which nourishes and constructs the body) through distinct channels that cover the body somewhat like the nerves and blood vessels. According to the theory, acupuncture adjusts, the ow of qi in the body, leading it to areas where it is stuck and /or superabundant. In this way, acupuncture restores the harmonious balance of the body and it parts.
Q: Is acupuncture safe?
A: When performed by a licensed and trained professional, acupuncture is extremely safe. All licensed acupuncturists today use individual packages sterile, disposable needles.
Q: Does acupuncture hurt?
A: Acupuncture needles are typically not much thicker than a hair and their insertion is practically painless. It is nothing like receiving an ordinary injection. In some cases, you will not even know the needles are in place. In others, there may by some tingling, warmth, heaviness, or a feeling of the qi moving up and down the channels. Most people find acupuncture extremely relaxing, and many fall asleep during treatment.
Q: How many treatments will I need?
A: That depends on the duration, severity, and nature of your complaint. You may need only a single treatment for an acute condition. A series of 5-10 treatments may resolve many chronic problems. Some degenerative condition may require treatments over a longer period of time. To help reduce the number of treatments, you practitioner may suggest dietary modification , specific exercises regimes, relaxation techniques, self massage, an/or Chinese herbal medicine, all of which may help to increase the efficacy of acupuncture.
Q: Is there anything I need to do while receiving acupuncture?
1. Relax. There is no need to be frightened. Ask your practitioner any questions you have along the way so that you can get the most benefit possible from the treatments.
2. Do not change your position or move suddenly. If you are uncomfortable, tell your practitioner.
Q: What can I expect after acupuncture?
A: Patients often experience dramatic results in the first treatment. Some patients experience an immediate total or partial relief of their pain or other symptoms. This relief may last or some pain may return. In a few cases, there may be no immediate relief only to notice the pain diminish over the next couple of days. Generally you should expect to feel better.
Q: What criteria should I use in choosing an acupuncturist?
A: Prospective patients should ask about where the practitioner trained and for how long he or she has been in practice, and most importantly, what experience has the practitioner had in treating your specific ailment. Acupuncture is a licensed and regulated health care profession in over 40 states in the U.S. In addition, the National Commission of the Certification of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) certifies both acupuncturists and Chinese herbal practitioners. Acupuncturist who have passed the NCCAOM exam are entitle to add Dipl. Ac (Diplomate of Acupuncture) after their name.
Q: What should I know about the proposed treatments?
A: Your practitioner will explain the nature of your problem in Oriental medical terms and what treatment he or she is recommending. Your practitioner will tell you what benefits and risks there are to the proposed treatments and what other treatments options are available to you through this practitioner or by referral to another practitioner or physician.